A table of specifications is shown below and Garmin’s full datasheet can be found here. We are using the LiDAR-Lite v3 since it is cheaper. There are two models that Garmin offers: LiDAR-Lite v3 and LiDAR-Lite v3HP. We’ll be operating the module in I2C mode. The module can be operated in two modes: I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) and PWM (Pulse Width Modulation). The LiDAR-Lite module consists of 6 pins: +5V, Power EN, Mode Control, I2C SCL, I2C SDA, and GND. All precautions should be taken regarding a Class 1 laser. NOTE : This module emits laser radiation and is designated as a Class 1 laser. If you are using the module in PWM mode, it returns a HIGH pulse width that is proportional to the measured distance.

The module makes this calculation and returns the distance to the host via I2C. Once the time is acquired, the distance can be calculated since we know time and the speed of light. The LiDAR-Lite emits a laser signal and measures the time it takes for the laser to return back once it reflects off of a target.

This particular module has a laser that operates at a 905nm wavelength and 1.3 watts of power. They also vary in the amount of power – some are mW lasers (pointers) while others can be over 500W (used for cutting). The laser is a pulsed light source that has wavelengths ranging from ultraviolet through visible light and to infrared. LiDAR stands for “Light Detection and Ranging, ” and measures distances via a laser. This is so we can stack Modulus and Adapticon together. If you are doing this as well, you’ll have to remove the F/M jumper wires on Modulus and wire-wrap 30 AWG wire to the male header pins. We are mounting the LiDAR to the Adapticon Canister. You can also use a solderless breadboard to mount the LCD. The LCD is mounted to the Modulus Canister via the 16-pin, right-angle female header soldered to the 1-to-1 link, as shown in the image below. You should have pins 4, 6, and 11-14 of the LCD connected to Uno pins 2, 3, and 4-7, respectively.
Please see Project 9 for more details on how to interface the 16×2 LCD in 4-bit mode. LiDAR systems are typically found in autonomous vehicles, drones, and satellites to map terrain. The LiDAR-Lite module offers better accuracy, precision, range, and more data samples per second than the ultrasonic sensor. Similar to the last project, we’ll be interfacing a sensor that can measure distance, but instead of using ultrasonic sound waves, we use light in the form of a pulsed laser with a 905 nm wavelength. Please visit for a complete list of materials for this project.